Creation to the Church:
In the beginning there was only God. God spoke and created the world and everything in it. The last thing He created was man and woman. God loved them greatly. He supplied everything they needed in a garden, and visited them there. One day they disobeyed God and broke their fellowship with Him, so He banned them from the garden. The man and woman had children and their children had children, and their children had children, filling the world with people, but they also disobeyed. God stilled loved man so He chose one named Abraham and told him that He would give him a son and make Himself a people from his descendants. God promised to bless the whole world through Abraham’s descendents. Abraham was old and had no children, but he believed God. Because Abraham believed God, God counted Abraham righteous. God gave Abraham a son, as promised. Abraham’s son had children and his children had many children and God made them His people. They also disobeyed God. God sent messengers to tell His people how to be right with Him. One of these was a man named Isaiah. Isaiah brought a message from God about a promised savior. He said, “We have all gone against God, but God will send a Savior who will take our sins on Himself. He will be whipped, beaten and will die for our sins, but God will give Him life again, and because of Him we can have a right relationship with God.” From that day on, God’s people waited for the promised Savior to come. God remembered His promise and sent Jesus, His very own Son, to be the Savior. Jesus proved to men that He was that Savior by His message of love and repentance, and by performing miracles such as healing the sick. Not every one recognized who Jesus was, but many followed Him and He taught those who did. He told them if they followed Him they would have eternal life. He said, “Those who believed in me are in my hand, and no one could take them away from me, and He said, “I and the Father are the same. When He said that, it made those who did not follow Him angry, and they plotted to kill Him. Just like the prophet Isaiah said, they beat Jesus and whipped Him and killed Him, and just like he said, Jesus was raised from the dead. Jesus proved that He had come back from the dead by showing Himself to His followers for forty days. He told them that soon He would leave them, but He would send God’s Spirit to empower them to tell people about Him. Jesus told them to go into all the world, telling people about Him, and teaching them to obey everything He told them. Those who believed were baptized to show that they had obeyed God and were following Him. Later, Jesus went up into heaven. As His followers watched Him, two angels said, “Jesus has gone but one day He will return the same way He left.” From that time the followers of Jesus have waited for His return and have told others about Him. Those who believe in Jesus are baptized, showing that they have obeyed God and are following Him by faith in Jesus Christ. That is what believers do, they tell others about Jesus, and those who believe are baptized showing their faith in Jesus. Believers also come together to worship God, to learn about Jesus and to take care of one another’s needs. I am a follower of Jesus and I tell people about Him. I hope you will think of these things and also become a follower of Jesus.
Thanks Pat for going where so many of us don't go, and speaking to people that most of us don't speak to. We pray for you and Peggy and thank God for your witness!
Hi Pat & Peggy,
I have an American Baptist pastor visiting Tamale who would love to meet you... can you kindly call me at 024-293-5523. He is only in town till 24th August.
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