About 10:15 there were 9 or 10 boys in the 11 to 12 year old range so we began with them. Lansah was my translator and he did a very good job. I told them about the Bible and we sang the B-I-B-L-E song. Then I told them the story of Jesus about half the way through three young ladies arrived and joined us. After I finished the story I asked everyone to lower their heads and close their eyes and I asked all those who believed Jesus was the Son of God to raise their hands. Six responded with raised hands. Then we sang some songs led by John who had joined us. After this three men came. The oldest of them told us two weeks ago that I believed in Jesus as God's Son. The next eldest was working with some others behind the school making cement blocks. I have talked with him several times in my trips through the village and I know I have storied with him at least once. The youngest man I don't recall seeing before. After they arrived I asked the children questions from the story of Jesus. They did very well especially the young lady in the pale blue blouse and white head wrap. Then I told the story of Philip and the Man from Ethiopia. I made sure to point out that this was the first known black believer and that it happened 2,000 years ago. After we finished this I prayed for them and we dismissed. It was an encouraging morning for all of us. God is at work.
We have been married to each other for 45 years come July 5, 2008. We have three children and 9 grandchildren. We retired from pastoring a church to become missionaries in 2006
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