Friday, August 21, 2009

Storying with the Chief

The first of this week Pastor Daniel of Zagyuri Baptist Church suggested that I attend the Friday meeting of the Chief and elders at Wayamba, because we needed to ask a favor. Next week I will be teaching a group of young men storying using Training for Trainers. The training sessions will take place at the Seed Ministry operated by Bob and Bonnie Parker. The young men are being trained by the Seed Ministry as part of their Children's Bible Club ministry which is reaching over 6,000 kids in over 160 villages in Northern Ghana. There will be about 20 in the training sessions and half of them will go to Wayamba to practice what I teach them in the village. The other half will go to another village. We needed to get permission from the chief and elders for them to spend Wed through Sat. night in the village school. Attending the meeting would also offer us an opportunity to share a Bible story with the chief and elders, all who are Muslim. This morning after a short rain delay we went to the meeting at the chief's palace. This gave me the opportunity to dress in my smock and cap that was presented to me when I was made an honorary elder of the village last week. We were granted permission to have the trainees stay at the school and I told the chief and the elders the story of Jesus and Nicodemus. Daniel suggested I use this story because most of these men are older and have said that they were too old to become followers of Jesus. I wish you could have been there. The Chief was siting on his throne of animal skins on an elevated platform and the elders were all seated around on the floor. While I storied, they shelled corn which had just been harvested, and was piled all around the interior of the building.I told them that Nicodemus was not a young man but older like them and that he became a follower of Jesus even though he at first had doubts and fears just like them. They expressed appreciation for the story and I look forward to telling them other stories in the future. They told me that they liked the fact that followers of Jesus love their fellow man and they said they were glad that I showed them that love, and that they wished me to know that they considered me their brother. God is at work in Wayamba. Pray that the harvest of souls will be as blessed as their harvest of corn.

1 comment:

William said...

I love hearing (and seeing) your updates from the field. Thanks for being so brave and sharing the Truth with the people of Ghana.