We were summoned to go and meet with the chief of Wayamba on Thursday, August 6, 2009. When we arrived at the chief's palace we were informed that the chief wished to make me one of his elders in appreciation for the gift of water we had brought to the village school. It is a great honor and I was presented with a smock and matching cap to designate me as one of the elders. I have been given the name "Zosimli Naa" which means " Good Friend of the Chief." There is a great feeling of family between us and the people of Wayamba, and they have extended to us the place of kinship. We visited the chief's two wives. The lady on the left is the senior wife of the Chief. The second lady is the junior wife. This will open more opportunities for us to share Jesus with the people, and our words will have more influence with them now that we have the support of the chief and the elders. We praise God for all that He is doing and will do.
We have been married to each other for 45 years come July 5, 2008. We have three children and 9 grandchildren. We retired from pastoring a church to become missionaries in 2006
Congratulations, Zosimli Naa!
I was there too. Wayamba is my home
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