Sunday, February 15, 2009

More from Sunday at Namdu

Prayer time is a big part of the worship in the village churches. They all pray out loud and at the same time. It took a bit of adjustment for this honky from Alabama, but it is their way and I know that God has no problem hearing all of them and understanding. He knows their hearts. The young man in the white shirt on the left is their worship leader who keeps things moving along. The shorter man standing in the middle in front of the chalk board is Pastor Daniel. The young girl in yellow is leading the singing which was accoppella. There is no electricity, no fans, no lights, just people worshiping God. After the service we presented them with the clothing and left pastor Daniel in charge of distribution. Then we had them gather for a group picture. Pray for these simple people and their needs and pray that their hearts will be on fire to evangelize their family members and friends, and those in the surrounding villages.

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