Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Spiritually Speaking

When we recently returned from Abidjan in the Ivory Coast we discovered that something else had returned. It is called the “Harmatan.” It is a great cloud of dust that moves across most of West Africa like a brown shadow covering everything. At times it blocks out the sun, and it brings with it cooler temperatures and dry air. It stays for 4 months. The air is so dry that we no longer perspire, or at least it does not seem that we do, for any moisture evaporates instantly, and the effect is cooling. While we were away I purchased a beautiful life-sized bust of an African woman as a present for Peggy. The workmanship of this piece was clearly that of a gifted artist. He had created this object of beauty from a solid block of very heavy wood. We both were very happy with it. Three days after we brought it home to Tamale, cracks began to appear in the face of the bust. The dry air of Harmatan was sapping the moisture out of the wood, and causing it to crack. The dry air and the dust. The dust is so thick you can write in it with your finger, like Jesus wrote in the dust of the ground, before the woman found in sin, and her accusers. I made inquiries and was told that I must use oil on the head and face of the bust, to protect it. The world is like the Harmatan. It will dry us up spiritually and cause cracks in our character. It will deposit layer upon layer of the soil of wickedness on us until we are no longer recognizable as God’s children. What can we do? Psalm 104 says that the Lord will give us “drink to make our hearts glad, and oil to make our faces shine.” Turn your face to God and let Him cleanse you and anoint you with the oil of righteousness, let Him cleanse you with the blood of Jesus, and fill your cup till it overflows. Seek the anointing of God and I’ll see you in Church.

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