Friday, May 8, 2009

How is this for a Wednesday night service

After Tommy and I got pictures of the new roof on the church, (see previous post) we went by Bakko's village to deliver a set of African mad e drums to his people for his church. Bakko is another student pastor and he preaches at about 6 or 7 villages when he can get to them. Each one is about 5 or 6 miles from the others and he uses a borrowed bicycle to travel on. Bakko is a farmer/hunter to support he and his family. The churches up here in the bush don't pay a salary, maybe some corn or rice, or yams. We are taking resumes if you are interested. Then we went to Nanjgoaa, a Konkomba villiage where Tommy preaches on a fairly regular basis. It was Wensday night. There were only about 8 or so people at the compound made up of mud huts with grass roofs. It was dark with only the moon and stars providing light., because this village is beyond the power lines. Those present started beating on a drum and singing. In just a short time there were over 60 gathered. After about an hour the singing and dancing tapered off and I preached for 15 min. using the story of Zacchaeus. After the message I asked those who wanted to pray to become Christians to pray as I prayed. With the aid of an interpreter about 20 of them prayed with me. That beats most Wendesday night services I remember back home. God is good all the time.
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1 comment:

Cheryl Read said...

Great pictures. These services look a little different than those at the First Baptist Church here.